Notification Form

Use this form or phone the school office on 9367  2652. Please provide detailed information about the absence.

  • Student Details

  • Carer Details

  • Absence Details

Absence Notification Responsibilities

Where a student is enrolled in a public school, the School Education Act 1999 (the Act) requires that the student attends the school. Schools are monitored to ensure student attendance in order that all students have the greatest opportunity to engage in their education.

Parents are strongly encouraged to ensure that students maintain regular attendance at school. Whenever possible, family holidays and appointments should be scheduled out of school time.

Absences can be notified using the form above or by:

  1. Calling the school office in the morning or during the day of the absence, and informing the school of the nature of the absence (in general e.g. “illness” or “family situation”). The school office will record the absence or inform the class teacher.
  2. Informing the student’s class teacher in person within three days of the absence stating the reason for the absence (e.g. “My son was sick yesterday”).
  3. Send a note to the teacher giving the reason for the absence.

A medical certificate is not usually required for temporary absences but may be requested by the Principal. Planned absences (such as a family holiday) taken during term time should be notified in writing to the school in advance of the absence.

Absences for a Part of the School Day

If your child needs to be taken out of school for a shorter period of time, e.g. to attend a medical appointment, a permission slip must be completed at the front office.  This can be done immediately prior to collecting the child for the appointment. The procedure is:

  1. A parent or another person, whom the parents have authorised as a contact person, should attend the school office and inform staff that they require a student to temporarily leave school.
  2. Complete the required details in the ‘Sign In / Sign Out Book’. The office staff will issue a written notification (green permission slip) which authorises the teacher to allow the student to be collected from the classroom.
  3. The green slip should be handed to the class or duty teacher when the student is collected. A teacher will not permit a student to leave their classroom unless the green slip is provided.
  4. When the student returns to school later that day, a parent/carer must sign the student back into school. Another green slip will be issued to give to the classroom teacher.
Arriving Later than 8.45am to School

If a student is arriving at school after the school day has commenced, a parent or carer should to accompany the student into the office to “sign them in”.  Please do not send a student into school alone during school hours, unless they have with them a written explanation for their absence and your reason for not accompanying them.

Contact Details

South Perth Primary School
51 Forrest Street, SOUTH PERTH, Western Australia, 6151

Phone: (08) 9224 9850

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