South Perth Primary School
South Perth Primary School is a local intake school with a specific residential catchment area. Students must live within the local intake boundary to be eligible to attend the school (see map). If you are unsure whether your address is within our catchment, please contact the school office.
Pre-Primary – Year 6
This procedure also applies to children who are already in Kindergarten and are transferring from another school.
To start the enrolment process we require submission of an Application to Enrol form (contact the school to collect or receive via email). When this form is submitted we need to see:
- Proof of birth date e.g. birth certificate, passport
- Proof of residence within our local intake area e.g. a current utilities account or lease agreement with duration of tenancy shown.
- Immunisation history: for children immunised in Australia, this must be a current AIR (Australian Immunisation Register) statement.
In the case of a student who is not an Australian citizen, we also require the following:
- Passport. We are required to copy the photo identification page and the “date-of-entry” stamp
- Visa Grant Notice
Once the supporting documentation is checked we then proceed to the formal enrolment. This will involve more forms to complete, and we will provide information about uniforms and book lists at this time.
Australian school years run from February to December. Children start Kindergarten when turning four years old by 30 June of the year they attend. Children born after 30 June wait until the following year and attend Kindergarten in the year they turn five years old.
The application period for Kindergarten occurs in the middle of the year before the child starts Kindergarten and closes on the first Friday of Term 3 in the application year (this year: Friday 21 July 2023).
The enrolment process follows the same procedure as above. Please contact the school for the Kindergarten application form.
Contact Details
South Perth Primary School
51 Forrest Street, SOUTH PERTH, Western Australia, 6151
Phone: (08) 9224 9850
Email: southperth.ps@education.wa.edu.au
Please email feedback about this web site to southperth.ps@education.wa.edu.au