
South Perth Primary School

South Perth Primary School provides a range of services to parents and carers to support them in the day to day routine of having children in our school:

Lunch Online

Parents may order school lunch for their children from Locavora  Offering a healthy menu that complies with the green and amber categories of the traffic light system promoted by The Department of Health and Ageing.

Orders maybe placed up until 8am in the morning of delivery. Lunch items are delivered individually pre-packed to the school and distributed by parent volunteers.

Online Communications

South Perth Primary School uses Connect, an online portal developed and maintained by the Education Department of W.A.  Connect provides a secure, password protected environment for school staff and parents.  Currently school staff use it to send messages, post school and class notices, newsletters, photographs and other information to parents.  Parents can also use Connect to contribute to online discussions.   Additional features of the system may be used in the future.

Uniform Shop

Students are required to wear the school uniform every day of attendance, except when specified, e.g. for events and incursions held at the school. See our dress code for more details. The uniform shop is on site, located in the Under Cover Area.

Uniforms can be purchased during term time regular opening hours every Friday 2.30-3.15pm. The shop is also open on specified dates every January, in preparation for the start of the new school year.

Orders can be placed online and items delivered to your child’s classroom within a few days. A small range of second hand items are available.

The shop is run by parent volunteers and proceeds go towards the school, via the Parents and Citizens Committee.

Out of School Care

SPOSCI (South Perth Out of School Care Inc) is located on site on the corner of Forrest and Angelo Streets. Services are provided by OSHClub, a national provider servicing approximately 180 schools.

SPOSCI OSHClub is open before and after school and over the school holidays, excluding public holidays. More information, activity program details are available on their web site Enrolment and bookings can be made on line.

Walking School Bus

The Walking School Bus operates on selected days of the week. Come rain or shine, trained parent volunteers safely accompany children aged 5 years and over along designated routes to school, arriving by 8.30am. Children may join the bus at any time, parents simply complete a consent form and hand it to the coordinating volunteer the first time their child joins the bus.

Chaplain Services

The School Chaplain is jointly funded by the State Government, the Kent Street/Como YouthCARE Council and the school’s P&C. Meng Chan has been our school chaplain for 6 years. She makes a significant contribution to the school community through a range of programs that support our Values Program as well as supporting individual students, staff members and parents. Her friendly face can be seen around the school three days a week.

School Psychologist

School psychology services are provided one day per week. Referrals to the School Psychologist are made by the classroom teacher in consultation with the Deputy Principal – SAER Coordinator. The School Psychologist seeks informed parental consent before working with students.

The School Psychologist also assists school staff members with professional learning, the development of documented plans and response to critical incidents.

School Nurse

The School Nurse provides a consultative service. She assists with teacher training in areas such as the management of anaphylaxis and asthma, provides growth and development lessons for the upper primary students, assists with the case management of students with obesity problems and is a resource for the management of any medical issues that may arise.

The School Nurse also conducts screening tests for students in Kindergarten and facilitates referrals for students to occupational and speech therapy and follow up eye sight and hearing testing as required.

Dental Care

The School Dental Service provides free general dental care to school children throughout the state, ranging from pre-primary through to Year 11 and to Year 12 in remote locations. Care is provided by dental therapists under the supervision of dental officers from fixed and mobile clinics located at or near to schools throughout the state.

The School Dental Service is primarily a public dental health program, with emphasis on prevention and education. The treatment is limited to general practice care and there are a number of exclusions, e.g. specialist services and general anaesthesia facilities. Treatment outside the scope of the School Dental Service is referred to other providers and any costs are the responsibility of the parent or guardian.

Consent of a parent or guardian is a lawful requirement before a child can be treated. However, consent is not required before an examination.  South Perth Primary students are referred to:

Mt Henry Dental Therapy Centre
43 Mt Henry Road,
Salter Point 6152
Telephone: 9313 0552

Registration forms are provided to students at the beginning of the school year or each term for new students.  At other times parents may contact the practice direct.

Contact Details

South Perth Primary School
51 Forrest Street, SOUTH PERTH, Western Australia, 6151

Phone: (08) 9224 9850

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