English as an Additional Language or Dialect
South Perth Primary School
South Perth Primary School welcomes students from very diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. There are also many different dialects of English spoken within the school community.
Standard Australian English (SAE) is the language used in public school education in this country. We offer an EAL/D program to assist those students whose home language is not SAE. By improving their understanding and use of SAE students language we give them better understanding of the curriculum.
The program aims to:
- develop the student’s ability to socialise and learn effectively in SAE in a wide range of situations
- develop the student’s ability to listen, speak, read and write in SAE across all learning areas
- build on each student’s linguistic and cultural identity to strengthen their confidence and motivation
- develop intercultural perspectives across all learning areas and within the school community
The school recognises that EAL/D learners bring to their learning a range of linguistic and cultural understandings and skills which are significant contributors to their English language and curriculum learning.
EAL/D learning is a multidimensional process involving:
- learning a new language and understanding a new culture in both social and academic contexts
- learning to operate at increasing levels of cognitive and academic sophistication within the new language.
We look forward to supporting all students in the acquisition and growth of language learning in SAE. For further information about this program and the school’s support for participating students and their families please contact the school office. Our specialist teachers will be happy to answer your questions.
Contact Details
South Perth Primary School
51 Forrest Street, SOUTH PERTH, Western Australia, 6151
Phone: (08) 9224 9850
Email: southperth.ps@education.wa.edu.au
Please email feedback about this web site to southperth.ps@education.wa.edu.au